There is no need to buy into the marketing of numerous cleaning products on the market. Look in the cupboard for some store cupboard ingredients and get your clean on…….

All you need is:

Baking soda - this can be bought in bulk online
Lemon - can be purchased loose and plastic free
Vinegar - can be bought in glass bottles from your locals shops and supermarkets. You can also buy in bulk online. It may be best to use white vinegar just in case of stains.

****** Make sure you check all these recipes on a small bit of your surface/carpet etc before use in case of stains ************

Our top five cleaning recipes with these ingredients:

  1. Glass cleaner - How our granny used to do it! Fill up a spray bottle with 1 part water and 2parts vinegar. Spray on to the glass surface and wipe away using newspaper for a streak free finish. If you don't have a spray bottle just use a cloth to wipe the vinegar on and wipe away with the newspaper.  

  2. Oven Cleaner and Scourer: Place a cup of baking soda in a container. Add a couple of drops of vinegar and mix into a paste. Spread on to the affected area and leave for a few minutes. Then scrub away. 

  3. Burnt Pan Solution: Boil the kettle. Pour the boiling water into the pan. Add a couple of spoons of baking soda to the pan and it will start to sizzle. Place a lid on the pan and leave for half an hour or as long as you like! Once the water is cooled place in the sink and scrub away the burnt area.

  4. Microwave Cleaner: Place a cut lemon in a microwaveable jug half filled with water and place in the microwave for 3 mins on high. You will see the water boil. CAREFULLY take the jug out of the microwave and start to wipe around the inside. 

  5. Carpet Cleaner: Add enough vinegar to baking soda to make a paste. Apply to the stained area and leave over night. Hoover up the dried residue in the morning. You may see a white powdered area afterwards, this will just come up with some water and a bit of a scrub. 

    You can also make your own all purpose cleaner from citrus peels and vinegar ……..see a recipe here. 

claire moodie